How To Prepare for Your Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Day

During an IVF cycle, one of the most critical days in the process is the day of the patient’s frozen embryo transfer (FET). On this day, during the FET, frozen embryos are carefully thawed and transferred into the female patient’s uterus. If this process is successful, the embryos will implant and pregnancy will be achieved. Embryos can remain frozen for many years before being thawed and transferred. Because the day of your FET is so important, many patients have asked, is there anything I can or should do ahead of my FET to best prepare?
This is an excellent question and one that your fertility specialist will be pleased to hear. There are several steps patients can take to optimize their health ahead of a FET. While these actions are not guarantees for pregnancy, they are typically recommended for patients to at least consider. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the most prevalent ways patients can prepare for their FET.
Review Your Current Nutrition
Your doctor is never going to turn down an opportunity to encourage a patient to live their healthiest possible lifestyle. If you are unsure how to best go about this, please first consider connecting with your GP and/or a nutritionist. Minimally speaking, increasing your water intake, cutting out some caffeine whenever possible, reducing alcohol intake, quitting any tobacco use, and adding fruits/vegetables wherever possible during the day is best. Ideally, you’d hope to be feeling your best in the weeks or months ahead of the FET date.
Consider Taking Supplements
Prenatal vitamins will be recommended by your fertility specialist of course, but you can ask whether there are any other supplements he or she would recommend as well. Prenatals are advised for anyone who is trying for a pregnancy, and this includes those undergoing fertility care.
Engage in Physical Activity
Sometimes patients blanch if an exercise routine is recommended by their doctor. While the type of routine can vary depending on your specific health situation, generally speaking, light to moderate exercise a few times a week will always be beneficial. Taking 30+ minute walks, swimming, bike rides, or exercise classes can fit into most schedules during a week. You can always build up toward a manageable routine if starting from scratch.
Plan Ahead for Injections
Injections are needed to prepare the body for your FET. These are required to be administered independently. For some, after an adjustment period, they can administer the injections by themselves. For others, they will need their partner, a family member, or a friend to do the injection. We recommend having a plan in place to ensure that your injection schedule is successful, so you do not risk missing an injection. Additionally, injections can be sore in the period between each shot, so many patients will either ice the area or use a hot towel to massage the area immediately after the shot.
Ultimately, patients will need to work with their fertility specialist to ensure they feel fully prepared for their FET day. Your doctor can provide any recommendations or advice per your specific diagnosis and treatment plan.
For any questions, please contact Washington Fertility Center today.