Fertility Blog

LGBTQ+ Family Building: What to Expect at Your First Fertility Clinic Visit

As aspiring LGBTQ+ parents, it's important to address the range of emotions and questions that come with this journey. Determining which fertility treatments align with your unique situation and family-building goals is the first step, and it all begins with your initial fertility clinic visit. In honor of Pride Month, we want to highlight what LGBTQ+ couples and individuals can expect during their first visit with a reproductive specialist.

Getting to Know You

When you visit a fertility clinic for the first time, the main purpose is for the reproductive specialist to understand you, your partner (if applicable), and your fertility goals. If you are in a two-women or trans-male relationship, you should discuss who will carry the baby and who will contribute the eggs. If you need a sperm donor, this should also be discussed. For gay male couples, it's important to consider who will provide the sperm. You should also determine the traits you would like in an ideal egg donor. While you don't need to have all the answers before your appointment, it's good to start thinking about these questions with your partner.

Asking Questions

In addition to discussing your specific needs and goals, the initial fertility clinic visit offers the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about the LGBTQ+ family-building process. Some questions to ask your doctor during your first visit include:

  • How frequently do you work with LGBTQ+ couples, and do you have procedures in place to better serve them?
  • Can your clinic refer us to reproductive attorneys to help us navigate any potential legal conflicts?
  • How do we choose an egg/sperm donor?
  • How do we choose a surrogate?

Making a Plan

After discussing your goals with your fertility doctor, they will create a customized plan to address them. They'll review different treatment options, such as intrauterine insemination {IUI} and in vitro fertilization {IVF}, and guide you on the most suitable route to take. Additionally, they can facilitate connections with reputable egg banks and surrogacy agencies where all donors and gestational carriers undergo thorough screening to ensure only the most qualified and committed women are selected. Once you decide on a plan, the journey to parenthood can officially begin.

Schedule Your First Visit Today

Your first visit to the fertility clinic marks the start of an amazing new chapter in your life. While it may seem overwhelming at first, meeting with your fertility specialist and creating a treatment plan that aligns with your family-building goals brings you one step closer to parenthood. At Washington Fertility Center, we are proud to work with LGBTQ+ couples and provide dedicated support every step of the way. For more information or to schedule a consultation with our expert team, contact us today.